How To Get The Most Out Of EMDR Therapy
Ania Carr Ania Carr

How To Get The Most Out Of EMDR Therapy

You are putting in time and money, so you want to get the most out of it. You can do a few things to maximize the benefit of EMDR in your life and to have an overall positive experience. Whether you are preparing for your first session or already a few sessions in, here’s how to get the most out of your EMDR therapy.

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8 Myths About EMDR Debunked
Ania Carr Ania Carr

8 Myths About EMDR Debunked

EMDR is among the most misunderstood therapy methods. Rumor has it that EMDR is weird, and a lot of other things too. Although there is a growing awareness of EMDR, there are still a lot of myths about EMDR out there. In this post, we address the most common misconceptions.

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4 Grounding Techniques You Can Practice Now To Feel Calm Again
Ania Carr Ania Carr

4 Grounding Techniques You Can Practice Now To Feel Calm Again

1. Focus On Your Breath

Our breath is medicine. Focusing on our breath is one of the simplest and most profound ways of grounding. And you can access it anytime, anywhere. Most of the time we don’t think of our breathing, we just do it. We often use a fraction of our lung capacity and miss out on the full benefits of breathing.

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5 Great Benefits Of EMDR
Ania Carr Ania Carr

5 Great Benefits Of EMDR

Although EMDR is by no means a magic wand or a good fit for everyone, science-based evidence proves that this therapy method can offer significant benefits.

1. Increases positive thinking and beliefs

Your insecurity can transform into confidence. Instead of focusing on being a victim of something terrible, you may begin to focus on how you overcame it.

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How To Prepare For Your EMDR Session
Ania Carr Ania Carr

How To Prepare For Your EMDR Session

You know about EMDR and after some consideration have decided to give it a try. Maybe you’ve already selected a certified therapist who believes that EMDR is a good fit for you. Now what?

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